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Dr. Geoffrey Tambulukani





Tambulukani, G & Bus, A (2011). Linguistic Diversity: The Cause of Reading ProblemsAmong Learners in Zambian Primary Schools, Journal Of Applied Linguistics, Oxford University Press, Oxford



Research undertaken

 2012 Nov           Baseline study on literacy achievement of Grades 1 and 2 pupils in selected basic schools of Petauke and Chipata Districts , Eastern Province, Zambia, Room to Read (Zambia).

 2011 Dec.              An Assessment of the Provision of Inclusive Schooling For Children With Special Education Needs (Visual Impairment) in Eight Districts In Zambia, Sight Savers/ZOCS


2011 Jan.               Factors Affecting Opportunities to Learn (OTL) and Pupils Achievement, Ministry of Education, Zambia


 2011 March           A Needs Assessment of Community Schools in Zambia, Zambia


Open Community Schools (ZOCS)


 2010 October     Coordinator and Trainer, Action Research Training Programme for Kitwe College of Education lecturers, Kitwe


 2010, October,     An Assessment of the Integration of TESSA Materials in


Methods Courses on the B Ed (Primary) degree programme at UNZA, School of Educatiion (With Mr Muleya G).


2010                     Assessment of the Community School Teacher Training Programme at David Livingstone College of Education, Save the Children (Z)


2010, March,        An Assessment of the Impact of the VVOB Education Programme in Zambia, VVOB,Lusaka (With Prof. Nicaise Ides)


 2009, July            Positioning the University of Zambia, School of


Education in a Changing Environment of Primary Education, A School Project, with Namafe C M, Nkhata B, Ndhlovu B Z, Simuchimba M, and Kaulule R


 2009, June            Situation Analysis of Literacy Practices in


Zambia, the Case of Government and Non Governmental Organizations, Room to Read, Zambia.


 2007                 Situational Analysis into the Training of


School Head Teachers in Zambia, supported by EQUIP2, USAID


 2006 to 2008               Coordinator and Trainer, Training Programme in Research      Methods for Charles Lwanga College of Education Lecturers


                                    Under a partnership of UNZA and Save the Children Norway


 2006, May              Conducted An Assessment of the Impact of the School Self Evaluation Programme Livingstone Basic Schools, Save the Children Norway (Z)


 2006 March           Conducted an Assessment of the impact of the Community Schools Support Programme in Lusaka, Central and Copperbelt provinces, supported by VVOB, Zambia


 2005, June            Evaluating the Impact of the Basic Education Programme sponsored by Save the Children Norway(Z) in five districts of Southern Province of Zambia with (Dr. Chipo Dyanda, Dean, Education, University of Zimbabwe)


 2005                            PH D Study. Dissertation Title:


                                    Exploring the Story of the Zambian Primary Reading




                                    An Investigation of the Success and Factors Responsible for it.


2005 June                    An evaluation of the impact of the Better Trained Secondary School Teachers Programme at Nkrumah College of Education in Kabwe, supported by VVOB  Zambia 


 2003                                        Local Solutions to Global Challenges: Towards Effective Partnership in Basic Education.

                                    Country Study– Zambia, Joint Evaluation of External Support to Basic Education in

                                   Developing Countries. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September, 2003



2003                  Local Solutions to Global Challenges: Towards Effective Partnership in Basic Education. Consolidated

                            (Four Countries) Report (Joint Evaluation of External Support to Basic Education in Developing

                             Countries. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs September 2003




2003                            Local Solutions to Global Challenges: Towards Effective


Partnership in Basic Education. Document Review (Joint Evaluation of External Support to Basic Education  in Developing Countries. Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, September 2003.


 2002 June                  Internal Examiner, Masters of Education, John Muregi,


                                    Title of Dissertation:– Factors Affecting Rural Primary Schools Teachers Access to In-Service Degree Programmes - A case of Mberengwa District, Zimbabwe, School of Education,UNZA


 2002 June                  Breakthrough to Literacy Documentation and Evaluation Exercise (Documenting the impact of Ireland Aid Support), Northern Province[BESSIP] Development Programme, Ireland Aid, Zambia, in collaboration with Anne Sikwibele                


 2001 October              Evaluating the impact and investigating the weaknesses of the Step In To English Oral and Reading Grade 2 Course, MOE/DFD (in collaboration with Cathal Higgins from Ireland and Peta Constable from RSA).


 2001 May :                  Appointed Supervisor of an M.ED student:  Ms. Theresa Silanda


                                    Title of Dissertation:  The Effectiveness of Teaching Methods to


Pupils with Phonetic Disorders:  the Case of Grade Nine Pupils At Munali Unit for the Deaf



2000 September          Evaluating the Impact and Investigating the Weaknesses of the New Breakthrough to Literacy course in Development Phase in Chinyanja and Silozi, MOE/DFID (in collaboration with I.W. Chikalanga and Cathal Higgins)


 2000 March                 Evaluating the Strength and Weakness of the Zambia basic Education course:  English Component (MOE?DFID (in collaboration with P. Constable from RSA)


 1999 February             Evaluating the Performance of the Breakthrough to Literacy in Icibemba, Northern Province, Zambia, MOE/DFID (in collaboration with I.W. Chikalanga, Cathal Higgins and Herman Kotze)


 1998                                                        Supervised a ZERNET Research by a Munali Teacher Mr. Banda on the Effect of Academic Production Unit Programme on the Performance of School children at Munali Secondary School.


 1998                                                        An investigation Into Expectations and Apprehension to Teacher trainees about to get into the Teaching Field in Zambia (Self sponsored)


 1997                                                        A Survey into Teaching/Learning Materials Requirements in Zambian primary Schools for ZEDUKIT, MOE/UNICEF( with B.Z. Ndhlovu).


 1997 May                    An Investigation into Reading Levels among Primary School Pupils in four Lusaka Schools, for National Reading Committee, Ministry of education, Zambia.



1996 March                 An Investigation into Examination Malpractices and Leakages in Zambia, sponsored by Ministry of Education, Lusaka, Zambia










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