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You are here: Home arrow How To Access UNZA E-mail
How To Access UNZA E-Mail Print E-mail
Option  A  ( Out of the Office )

Whenever you are not in your office ( at home, in town, in the country side or abroad/oversees), you can access your UNZA e-mail by following the steps below:-

 1. Go to Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or whichever browser is familiar to you

 2. In address bar, type: https://mail.unza.zm  and Press ENTER  or  Click  GO.  You can also access UNZA mail through the website www.unza.zm  click on the Staff, then Webmail on the main menu of the website.

Immediately the LOG IN SCREEN will appear.  Type your   UNZA  ID   and PASSWORD  and  click OK.

Option  B   ( In the Office )

You can still access your e-mails by the Method  outlined above. However, we advise that you download your E-mails from the Server so as to free – up some storage space. The Method on top keeps all e-mails on the server and not on your computer.

Use  Outlook Express,  Ms. Outlook, Pegasus  OR  Mozilla Thunderbird  so that all your e-mails  are downloaded from the Mail Server onto your Computer. These downloaded e-mails will not be accessible when you out of your office anymore. You will only access fresh e-mails.

If you do not know how to configure Outlook Express or Mozilla Thunderbird or Pegasus for e-mail downloading, kindly inform Director Computer Centre.