Platform for Research, Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (PReSTID), a Site for Uptake and Dissemination
Research, Science, Technology, Innovation and Development (PReSTID) is a University of Zambia Platform that is multidisciplinary in nature aimed at promoting and supporting research, science, technology, innovation and development initiatives at The University of Zambia and Zambia as a country in general. The platform plays a more cardinal role in facilitating sustainable development in Africa and Zambia in particular by facilitating new knowledge uptake and utilization between research institutions and the end users. It helps establish an effective and efficient system for increased productivity and competitiveness in the society, particularly in the industry. The platform helps researchers and scientists make their research known to the world including issues of commercialization and intellectual property rights.
PReSTID promotes and supports Research Uptake, Communication and Utilisation to facilitate development in Zambia.
Aims & Goals
The aims and goals for PReSTID are as follows:
- To promote and support research initiatives in Zambia and Africa as a whole.
- To disseminate research findings by researchers to the public and policymakers.
- To encourage media houses, the private sector and the government to use research for decision-making, reporting and national development.
- To establish partnerships with international research bodies and organisations from across the world.
- To develop scientific and research outputs that are relevant and aligned with emerging global priorities within Zambia.
- To encourage networking both locally and internationally in the field of research, science, technology, innovation and development.
- Promote and support innovation and new knowledge from the public.