The School of Public Health (SoPH) operates under a broad mandate of the University of Zambia Act No. 11 of 1999 which outlines the goals to; provide higher education, promote research and advancement of learning; and to disseminate knowledge and hold out to all persons, without discrimination, the opportunity of acquiring higher education. The School of Public Health while operating under this broad mandate, trains professionals in Bioethics, Environmental Health, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Family Medicine, Health Policy and Management, Health Promotion and Education, Public Health Demography, Community Health, Implementation Science, Nutrition and other health disciplines. The qualifications offered in these disciplines are diploma, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree, Doctor of Philosophy degree and post-doctoral training.
The School in past years has built strong linkages and networks both locally (Central Statistical Office (CSO), Macha Research Trust, Tropical Disease Research Centre (TDRC), Ministry of Health, UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, CIDRZ, ZAMBART) and internationally (Norwegian Research Council, NOMA and NUFU programs through the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen; and the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Wellcome Trust, The Africa Research Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases (ARNTD)). In addition, the school houses training partnership with Fogarty African Bioethics Training Programme through the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health with funding from NIH to enhance training in Bioethics for both faculty and students. The school enjoys strong collaboration with other international universities including: Cardiff University (UK), Wits University (South Africa), Umea University (Sweden), Vanderbilt University (USA), College of Medicine (Malawi) to mention but a few.

The research areas of focus include, but not limited to Health systems research; HIV/AIDS; One-health; Neglected tropical diseases; Community Based Interventions; Non Communicable diseases; Health economics; Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, and adolescent health; Public health nutrition; Implementation research; TB; Malaria; WASH; exposure and effects of lead exposure; Bioethics; the health of key populations; genomics, pollution; Food safety and hygiene.
A centre of excellence in influencing public health policy, disease prevention and control in Zambia, the region and internationally, in providing high quality professional training, research and consultancy services.
Mission Statement
To be a world-class school contributing to knowledge creation, translation and dissemination in public health through education, consultancy and research in influencing disease prevention, control and service delivery in Zambia and beyond.
School Values
The school’s core values, beliefs and norms are the guiding principles of conduct and behaviour of the school and its staff. They are grounded on the principles of; excellence, professional integrity, responsiveness, consistency, innovation and gender equity.