Student Information System Card Payments Step by Step
The Student Information System (SIS) is now presenting an alternative payment method other than students queueing up to make the Bill Muster transactions. The steps below indicate the steps to be taken to make a payment:
- Login into the Student Information System at
- Click on the My Finances Menu
- Click on the button that reads Pay using Credit/Debit Card
- The system will display your Names and Student Number.
- Enter your email address. This is a mandatory field
- In the amount field, you can enter the desired amount to be transacted or you can click on the button below the Amount field that reads Pay Outstanding Balance
- Enter the names of the Card holder in the provider field
- Enter the Card Number found on the front of the Card
- Enter the CVV (3-digit figure normally found at the back of Card)
- Enter the expiry date of the Card
- Click Pay Now
- You will then be redirected to your Bank’s Online Payments Portal
- You will receive a One-Time-Password (OTP) which will be sent by the Bank to the Phone Number attached to the Card
- Once you confirm the payment, your Student Account will be credited and you will be redirected to your Student Account with a message of confirmation displayed.