
Please click the link below to view the full list of Postgraduate Programmes available at The University of Zambia.

These programmes are available in ALL the Schools and further information may be obtained from the addressees given below or from Assistant Deans (Postgraduate) in the respective Schools. Candidates for admission to Doctoral Studies should posses a Master's degree or its equivalent in a relevant field.

Research Affiliation Scheme

The Affiliation Scheme allows a researcher from outside the University and /or from outside the country to be affiliated to the University of Zambia for the purpose of conducting research. This is available in all Schools and the Institute of Economic and Social Research. For further information, please contact the Research Affiliation Officer at the Directorate of Research, Innovation and Development.

Method of Applying

Follow the link how to apply

The Director
Directorate of Research, Innovation and Development
University of Zambia
P.O. Box 32379