Master of Mineral Sciences in Sustainable Mineral Resources Development (Taught)

Master of Mineral Sciences in Sustainable Mineral Resources Development (Taught)

This is a new trans-disciplinary and inter-institutional Programme (University of Zambia, University of Cape Town & University of Stellenbosch).

  • MET 6730 - Environmental Stewardship in Mining and Minerals Beneficiation
  • MET 6720 - Strategic Social Engagement Practice
  • MET 6890 - Research Methodology and Communication
  • MET 6710 - Sustainable Development

First Year

  • A – Mineral Processing
  • B – Extractive Metallurgy
  • C – Physical Metallurgy

A – Mineral Processing

First Semester

  • MET  6131  Advanced Mineral Processing II
  • MET  6331  Advanced Chemical Metallurgy II
  • MET  6011  Numerical Methods

Any other course from schedule B or C with its complimentary.

Second Semester

  • MET  6142  Advanced Mineral Processing II
  • MET  6342  Advanced Chemical Metallurgy II
  • MET  6012  Numerical Methods

Any other course from schedule B or C with its complimentary.

B – Extractive Metallurgy

First Semester

  • MET  6441  Advanced Pyro-metallurgy I
  • MET  6461  Advanced Hydro-metallurgy
  • MET  6001  Differential Equations and Vector Analysis
  • MET  6331  Advanced Chemical Metallurgy I

Second Semester

  • MET  6442  Advanced Pyro-metallurgy II
  • MET  6472  Advanced Electro-metallurgy
  • MET  6342  Advanced Chemical metallurgy II
  • MET  6012  Numerical Methods

C – Physical Metallurgy

First Semester

  • MET  6441  Advanced Physical Metallurgy I
  • MET  6241  Advanced Mechanical Working
  • MET  6001  Differential Equations and Vector Analysis

Candidates may choose to do either MM 661 (Foundry Technology) or MM 6541 (Heat Technology).

Second Semester

  • MET  6231  Advanced Materials and Surface Treatment
  • MET  6252  Powder Metallurgy
  • MET  6012  Numerical Methods

Candidates may choose to do either MM 661 (Foundry Technology) or MM 6541 (Heat Technology).

Part II:  

  • MET  7909  Research Work

Second Year

The second year will consist of thesis work, accompanying field work and data processing so that it can be completed by the end of the academic year.

Applicants must possess: 

(i) Bachelor's degree from University of Zambia or any recognized University with a credit or better in a relevant field (Professionals working in and around the mining and minerals industry; from geologists, mining engineers, metallurgists, planners, strategists, lawyers and regulators to health professionals, environmental officers, safety specialists and social scientists).

Tuition Fees

Course Work Programmes - PART I

Category Zambian Non-SADC Candidates
Category B: Per Academic Year K14,500.00 $8,660.00

Master by Research and Part II of Course Work Programmes

Category Zambian Non-SADC Candidates
Category B: Per Academic Year K13,540.00 $9,460.00

Part Time Fees

  • Part-time fees for postgraduate programmes are charged at 50% of the full-time rate.

Non Tuition Fees

Registration Fees

  Zambian Non-SADC Candidates
Registration K500.00 $80.00
Late Registration K200.00 $30.00

NB: Late registration shall be K200 per additional month after registration period

Examination Fees

  Zambian Non-SADC Candidates
Part I
Masters Degree/Diploma
K1,000.00 $500.00
Part II/Research
Master (Thesis)
K4,500.00 $800.00
Part II/Taught
Master (Dissertation)
K3,000.00 $700.00
Doctor (Thesis) K6,000.00 $900.00
Supplementary (Part I)
Examinations (Per Course)
K500.00 $120.00
Re-examination (Internal Examiners)
K2,500.00 $400.00
Re-examination (Internal Examiners)
K1,000.00 $250.00
Re-examination (All Examiners)
K4,000.00 $800.00
Re-examination (All Examiners)
K2,000.00 $500.00

Other Fees

  Zambian Non-SADC Candidates
Student Amenities K150.00 $50.00
Medical K200.00 $60.00
Union K150.00 $50.00
Maintenance K200.00 $60.00
Internet Connectivity K150.00 $50.00
Student Handbook K200.00 $60.00
Library K200.00 $60.00

Suggested Student Upkeep and Research Costs (Payable to the student)

  Zambian & Non-SADC
Hostel Accommodation (Per month) K700.00
Student Stipend (Living on campus per day) K90.00
Student Stipend (Living outside campus per day) K120.00
Research Cost: Masters ~ 70% Tuition fees
Book Allowance K5,000.00


Here is how to apply for the course.