To access and submit assignments, use the following steps:
- Visit the Institute of Distance Education website by typing “” in your web browser (mozila, chrome,internet explorer etc.)
- On your left-hand side locate and click on “eLearning portal”
- A login screen will open with provision to enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD. Enter your username and password and login.
- When you login you will arrive at the dashboard and all your registered courses will be listed. Click on the course you wish to access.
- To access assignments, on the menu on the left, locate and click on “assignments”. ALL the assignments for that particular course will be shown on the dashboard.
- Click on the assignment you wish to access (eg. Assignment 1). You can then work on your assignment and serve it in word version.
- To submit your assignment to the Lecturer, click on the blue “submit button” on the top right.
- Click on “choose file” and locate the Assignment file you wish to upload and click on the open button.
- To complete your submission click on the “submit assignment button”. A submission status prompt will appear saying “Turned in”.
Note: In case of any problems kindly contact IDE.