Dr. Friday E. Mulenga

Department of History
Senior Lecturer

Friday E. Mulenga joined the Department of History at the University of Zambia as a lecturer in August 1991. At the university he is involved in the core activities of teaching, research and community service. At undergraduate level he currently coordinates and teaches one of the core courses in the Department and also supervises undergraduate history research. At postgraduate level he has supervised a number of students in their dissertation research. He has acted as head of the Department on a number of occasions and from 11th April 1996 to 31st May 2002, was substantive head of the Department. He has taught courses on the contemporary history of Africa and modern history of Europe and has risen to Senior Lecturer. Prior to joining the university, he taught History and English at Kabompo Boys Secondary School and Nkumbi International College.

Research Interests
  • The history of workers in Africa and the rest of the world.
  • The history of politics in Africa and the rest of the world.
  • Contemporary political, economic, social and cultural issues in Africa and Asia and the rest of the world.

Selected Publications

  • Mulenga, Friday E., “Advancement, Trade Unionism and Politics on the Railways to 1972,” Zambia Journal of History, No. 4, 1991.
  • -----------------------, “Violence and Verbal Abuse on the Railways in Northern Rhodesia, 1945-1964,” Zambia Journal of History, No. 8, 1995.
  • -----------------------, “Rolling Stones: A Crisis for Democracy,” in Jotham C. Momba & Mwamba D. Kalabula (eds.), Governance and Public Services Delivery in Zambia (Lusaka: UNZA Press, 2006).
  • -----------------------, “Fighting for Democracy of the Pocket: The Labour Movement in the Third Republic,” in Jan-Bart Gewald, Marja Hinfelaar and Giacomo Macola (eds.), One Zambia, Many Histories: Towards a History of Post-Colonial Zambia (Leiden: Brill, 2007).
  • -----------------------, “Political Corruption in Zambia, 1991-2001,” Journal of Humanities, Special Issue: Political Governance, the Environment and Education in Zambia, 2013.
Contact Details
fridayemulenga@yahoo.com and fmulenga@unza.zm