Welcome to the School of Mines at the University of Zambia based at the Great East Road Campus in the Capital City of Lusaka.
The mining industry still remains the mainstay of Zambia’s economy and will continue to play an important role in the development of the country. It is in the context of an acute shortage of graduate manpower for this vital industry that the School of Mines was established in 1973 as one of the Thirteen (13) Schools of the University of Zambia. Hence, the School has the most important part to play in the National life of Zambia i.e. in the training and production of much needed professional geologists, mining engineers and metallurgists, who are needed by the existing mining industry and, indeed, by the future related industry.
During its existence spanning over three decades, the School has up to 2017 produced over 1500 graduates. Structurally the school has 3 departments namely:
- Department of Geology
- Department of Mining Engineering
- Department of Metallurgical Engineering
The School of Mines offers a four-year programme of study leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. Students are admitted to the School of Mines on a competitive basis after successfully completing the first year in the School of Natural Sciences. The School also admits, as direct entrants, applicants with Diplomas as well as those with A-levels. Upon entering the School of Mines, the students are directed to one of the three disciplines, depending mainly on their personal preferences and also on the guidance of the staff of the School, especially the Heads of Department and the Assistant Dean (undergraduate). However, personal preference does not necessarily guarantee admission to any of the three departments as much would depend upon the background of the student. The number of students in the 2016/2017 academic year was about 239 and the total number of graduates the School had produced until 2016 is about 2000.
The School of Mines also offers postgraduate programmes leading to the degree of Master of Mineral Sciences (M.Min.Sc). The programmes include Geology, Mining Engineering, Metallurgy and Mineral Processing, Mineral Economics, Rock Mechanics, Mineral Production Management, Small Scale Mining, Sustainable Mineral Resources Development, Mineral Resources Management and Hydrogeology. Other programmes offered by the School are Postgraduate Diploma and Master of Science degree in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The School also offers Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in all the three mining Disciplines. Apart from the postgraduate diploma studies in IWRM, M.Min.Sc students in the School of Mines can do their Masters by either course work, followed by research, or by research only. Doctorate studies are done by research only. The School also host the United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa, Mineral Resources Unit (UNU/INRA – MRU).
Finally, in response to the concerns and needs of the mining industry, change in mining technology and in line with aspirations of Zambia’s Seventh (7th) National Development (2017 – 2021), the School of Mines is repositioning itself for global excellence in producing quality and competitive graduates, local solutions and public service.
Through the university moto of service and excellence, the school has made an outstanding contribution in the provision of trained human resources for the country and outside the country.
- Mobile: +26 097 935 1754 / +26 096 537 3644
- Telefax: +260 211 293
- Email: bbesa@unza.zm
- Department: Geology
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