Academic Qualifications:
- Ph.D. Agriculture and Resource Studies, Michigan State University
- M.S. Agricultural Economics, Purdue University
- B. Agric Sc. Soil Science, University of Zambia
Dr. Chewe Nkonde is a faculty member of the University of Zambia, and he currently heads the Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension. Before joining the university, he worked with non-governmental organizations, agribusinesses, and a member-based farmer organization to promote sustainable agricultural methods, support market and trade facilitation initiatives, and champion farmers’ interests through lobby and advocacy work. In 2008, he transitioned into academia, where he has spent the last 16 years as a lecturer and researcher with the University of Zambia. He teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate theory and applied economics courses, coordinates online distance learning, and supervises student research projects. His research focus areas include agribusiness and entrepreneurship, agricultural markets and prices, and issues at the nexus of food and nutrition security. His research collaborators include both local and international partners in academia, research, and civil society. He has authored and co-authored several papers in peer-reviewed journals with over 750 citations (see Google scholar). Dr. Nkonde is also the Managing Editor of the Zambia Social Science Journal; a high impact journal in Zambia and Southern Africa.
Dr. Nkonde's research thematic areas include:
- Agricultural productivity, food and nutrition security
- Food and agricultural markets
- Land distribution issues and farm structure change
- Natural resource sustainability and development.
On-going Research
- “Bridging the Spatial and Cognitive Dimensions of Climate Change and Adaptation” (2022 – 2023), Principal Investigator with Dr. Lydia Chabala (University of Zambia) and Dr. Kurt Waldman (Indiana University, United States of America), Funded by the National Science Foundation.
- “Food systems network for Africa Project” (2021 – 2023), Institutional Champion, Partners (University of Pretoria; Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN); Other Universities in five African countries) funded by (African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) – UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Fund.
- “Problem based learning bio-economy entrepreneurship & capacity building programme in Africa (PBL-BioAfrica),” (2020 – 2024) with (Dr. Rebecca Kiwanuka, Dr. Priscilla Hamukwala, Dr. Bernard H. Moonga and Dr. Bernadette Chimai (University of Zambia); Egerton University, the University of Nairobi, and South Eastern Kenya University, Mulungushi University; Aalto University and Häme University of Applied Sciences) funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland.
- Innovative learning and co-creation of teaching methodology for scaling entrepreneurship in food and agribusiness in Sub-Saharan Africa (AgriSCALE),” (2020 – 2023), with (Dr. Rebecca Kiwanuka, Dr. Priscilla Hamukwala, Dr. Bernard H. Moonga and Dr. Bernadette Chimai (University of Zambia); Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Egerton University, University of Zambia, Mulungushi University, Bishop Stuart University, Gulu University, University of Pavia, Aalto University, Häme University of Applied Sciences), funded by European Union’s Erasmus Programme.
Recent Publications (last four years)
- Ndashe Kapulu, Christian Chomba, Chewe Nkonde, Melvin Holmes, Simon Manda, Harriet E Smith, Jennie I Macdiarmid, Caroline Orfila (2023). Dietary diversity of women from soybean and non-soybean farming households in rural Zambia, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Volume 7,
- Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu; Herrmann, Raoul; Nkonde, Chewe; Lukonde, Mwelwa; Brüntrup, Michael (2022). The effects of a private-sector-driven smallholder support programme on productivity, market participation and food and nutrition security: Evidence of a nucleus-outgrower scheme from Zambia, IDOS Discussion Paper, No. 19/2022, ISBN978-3-96021-198-3, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn,
- Nolte, K., C. Nkonde, P. Samboko, R. Herrmann, S. Holzapfel, H. Machina, & M. Subakanya (2022). A Complex Relationship: Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Land Tenure Security. In: Holland, M.B., Masuda, Y.J., Robinson, B.E. (eds) Land Tenure Security and Sustainable Development. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Mukwalikuli M., S. Wamundila, D. Siakalima, C. Nkonde, & F. Simui. (2021). “A Peep into the History and Experiences of the Cooperative Movement in Zambia.” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(11), 29-36.
- Salverda, T., & Nkonde, C. (2021). When Land Becomes a Burden: An Analysis of an Underperforming Zambian Land Deal. African Studies Review, 64(3), 653-674. https://doi:10.1017/asr.2021.65
- Nkonde, C., Audain, K., Kiwanuka-Lubinda, R. N., & Marinda, P. (2021). Effect of agricultural diversification on dietary diversity in rural households with children under 5 years of age in Zambia. Food Science & Nutrition, 9(11), 6274-6285.
- Sakala, Isabel C., Thomson H. Kalinda, Chewe Nkonde, and William J. Burke. 2021. “Adoption of Ox-Drawn Minimum Tillage Ripping by Smallholder Farmers in Zambia.” Agrekon 0 (0): 1–17.
- Mulenga, Brian P., Hambulo Ngoma, and Chewe Nkonde. 2021. “Produce to Eat or Sell: Panel Data Structural Equation Modeling of Market Participation and Food Dietary Diversity in Zambia.” Food Policy 102: 102035.
- Chanda, Moses, Hugo De Groote, Lawrence Kinoti, Astridah Munsaka, Elias Kuntashula, Anani Y. Bruce, and Chewe Nkonde. 2021. “Farmer Evaluation of Pesticide Seed-Coating to Control Fall Armyworm in Maize.” Crop Protection 148: 105691.