1. FAME -Finland Africa Midwifery Education Project
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FAME Project is Sponsored by the Finish National Agency for Education. It is being administered from 1st August 2023 to 31st December, 2025. It is a collaborative project with University of Zambia-School of Nursing Sciences, NOVIA University -Finland and University of VENDA in South Africa. It is worth 46,000.00 Euros.
PROJECT LEADS: Patricia Katowa-Mukwato -UNZA, Anita Wikberg NOVIA and Sonto Maputle University of Venda.
AIMS OF THE PROJECT: To Enhance students’ and teachers’ global knowledge, competences and intercultural skills through knowledge sharing in education practices.
FOCUS OF THE PTOJECT: Three Thematic Areas of High-risk pregnancy, Maternal mental health, Structure of education, health and welfare systems, curriculum development.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES: include online workshops for knowledge sharing, teacher/ student exchange and holding of a dissemination seminar
Project expected outcomes:
- Improved competences in virtual/digital teaching
- Enhanced understanding of different and good practices in the field of midwifery, public, health care and nursing education
- Improved knowledge among teachers and students on high-risk pregnancy and maternal mental health, intercultural midwifery competences and health care systems
- Indirectly through education of professionals, partner HEIs contribute in the long term to the improvement of maternity and perinatal mortality in all three countries
- Improved/renewed curricula and teaching methods and models
- Improved cultural competences, intercultural collaboration and communication, especially for students
- Identifying potential to further deepen cooperation after the project is finished.
2. NORAD -NORHED II “Strengthening Maternal and Neonatal Health - The grant is worth NoK 19,000,000 under a consortium of 4 Universities; Malawi University of Sciences and Technology as the lead Southern Partner, Kamuzu College of Nursing, UNZA-School of Nursing Sciences, University of Kwazulu Natal, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Value allocated to UNZA-SoN is K7,332,561.36. The project offers scholarships to Masters, PhD and Post Doc candidates to study and conduct research and maternal and neonatal health. This is a major capacity building activity in the school.
3. Strengthening Health Professional Workforce Education Programs for Improved Quality Health Care In Zambia- (SHEPIZ) Project in collaboration with School of Medicine (Supported by NIH-USA). This project is worth USD 600,00.00 per year for 5 Year from 2019 to 2024. The project is offering scholarships to 19 MSc students studying under different MSc programmes in the School
4. European Union Grant Project title: Developing Post Graduate Training Programme for Maternal Mental Health in Sub. Saharan Africa. (eMAMA). Proposal number:101082701. Worthy Euro 86, 092 (K1, 385,608.00) for 36 months. The project will be administered by a consortium of 9 universities.
1. Erasmus Mega Project: Building capacity by implementing mhGAP mobile intervention in SADC countries . Project Agreement No. 585827-1-2017-1-F1-EPPKAP-CBHE (2017-3636/001-001. The Project is C0-Funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Project duration: October 2017 to September 2020. In Zambia the Project Principal Investigator is Dr Lonia Mwape
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Major Aim of the Project: To develop a mental Health Screening Application for use by Primary Health Care Providers to screen adolescent for depression and substance abuse in Zambia and South Africa.
The project is being implemented by a consortium of 10 Universities
- Turku University of Applied Science, RUISKATU 8, 20740, Turku, Finland
- Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg, Germany
- Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia
- University of Zambia- Lusaka School of Nursing
- Lusaka Apex Medical University- Lusaka Zambia
- Stellenbosch University-South Africa
- University of Cape Town-South Africa
- University of Pretoria – Pretoria- South Africa
- Walter Sisulu University - Mthatha, South Africa.
- Universiteit Van Die Oranje Vrystaat- Bloemfontein, South Africa
2. The NORHED (Norwegian Higher Education Development) project: It’s a Five Year Project sponsored by Norad. Agreement number: QZA-0484 NORHED 2013 – MWI 13/0032. Agreement period: 2013-2018 Project Title: Development of a Novel Nursing and Midwifery Graduate and Postgraduate Training Program in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. In Zambia the Project Principal Investigator is Prof Margaret Maimbolwa.The Project is administered by a consortium of Five Universities: Three Southern Partners- Univserity of Malawi, Kamuzu College of Nursing, University of Zambia- School of Nursing Sciences and University of Zimbabwe College of Health Sciences-Department of Nursing.
The two Northern Universities are Arctic University of Norway (UIT) and University of Oslo.
At the University of Zambia-School of Nursing Sciences, the Project has undertaken the following:
a) Development of the BSc Midwifery Curriculum
b) Development of the MSC Midwifery and Women’s Health Curriculum
c) Development of the PhD Midwifery Programme
d) Sponsorship/Scholarships for 4 MSc Candidates
e) Sponsorship for PhD Midwifery Candidates
f) Sponsorship for 8 Faculty Small research Grants
g) Sponsorship of the Multicentre Project (Baseline research and implementation to Improved quality of life for mothers and new-borns in Lusaka and Mumbwa Districts of Zambia
- Katowa-Mukwato P. Postgraduate Supervision: Opinion Based on Personal Experience. Trends Nur Health Care Res. 2023;3(1):1–2. DOI: 10.53902/TNHCR.2023.03.000519
- Simuyemba, C.J., Patricia, P.K.-M., Chitundu, K. and Kanyanta, M.M. Diabetic Patients in Mbala, Northern Province, Zambia. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines. 2023; 11, 136-146.
- Dorothy Chisanga, Juliet Mutanfu, Mulenga Charity, Ivy Nkaka Kabwe, Victoria Mwiinga-Kalusopa, Mwaba Siwale Chileshe, Kabwe Chitundu* and Katowa-Mukwato Patricia. Knowledge and Self-Reported Practices towards Breast Self Examination among Women of Child-Bearing Age in Luanshya District of Zambia. Nur Primary Care. 2023; 7(1): 1-6. ISSN 2639-9474.
- Nelly Kalonga, Patricia Katowa Mukwato, Ruth Wahila. Self- Efficacy and Self- Care Practices, In Glycemic Control among Adults with Diabetes Mellitus Receiving Care at Kitwe Teaching Hospital, Kitwe, Zambia. Nur Primary Care. 2023; 7(1): 1-8.
- Patricia Katowa-Mukwato Sebean Mayimbo, Kabwe Chitundu, Samson Shumba, Nedah Chikonde Musonda, Mutinke Zulu, Deborah Nayame Mushamba, Lonia Mwape. Personal protective equipment availability and accessibility among nurses and midwives in selected urban general hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia: a cross-sectional study. Pan African Medical Journal. 2023; 44(52). doi: 10.11604/pamj.2023.44.52.32936
- Mwiza, T., Chanda, D. and Musenge, E. Determinants of Breastfeeding Practices among Working Mothers in Solwezi District of Zambia. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2023; 13, 465-480. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2023.133043.
- Kainga, H.; Phonera, M.C.; Chikowe, I.; Chatanga, E.; Nyirongo, H.; Luwe, M.; Mponela, J.; Kachisi, V.; Kamanga, N.; Chulu, J.; Njunga, G.; Nabadda, D.; Fonchin, A.; Kallu, S.A.; Mudenda, S.; Tembo, R.; Zulu, M.; Mwaba, F.; Mbewe, N.; Mpundu, P.; Samutela, M.T.; Munyeme, M.; Muma, J.B.; Simulundu, E. Determinants of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Veterinary Drug Dispensers toward Antimicrobial Use and Resistance in Main Cities of Malawi: A Concern on Antibiotic Stewardship. Antibiotics 2023, 12, 149.
- Gilbert Changwe, Marjory Kabinga Makukula, Kestone Lyambai, Jamia Milanzi, Kelvin Kapungu. Utilization of mental health service by Zambia Defence Forces personnel and their caretakers at Maina Soko Medical Centre, Lusaka, Zambia. European Journal of Public Health Studies. 6(1). DOI:
- Kanyanta, M. , Makukula, M. and Wahila, R. Prevalence and Social Demographic Factors Associated with Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout and Compassion Satisfaction among Nurses at Selected Teaching Hospitals in Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines. 2023; 11, 86-104. doi: 10.4236/jbm.2023.112007
- Jamia Milanzi, Marjory Kabinga Makukula, Kestone Lyambai, Clement John Kabungo, Royda Matipa, Gilbert Changwe. Barriers to mental health seeking intentions among students at Mulungushi University, Kabwe district, Zambia. European Journal of Public Health Studies. 6(1). DOI:
- Nchimunya, M., Chanda, D. and Musenge, E. Factors Contributing to the Acceptability of Second Dose of Measles Vaccine among Children in Livingstone District, Zambia. Open Journal of Pediatrics. 2023; 13, 220-234. doi: 10.4236/ojped.2023.132028
- Gabriel Lungu, Anatolii Tsarkov, Petro Petlovanyi, Crecious Phiri, Nedah Chikonde Musonda, Derrick Hamakala, Marjorie Kabinga Mukukula and Kabwe Chitundu. Health-seeking behaviors and associated factors in individuals with substance use disorders at Chainama Hills College Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews. 2023, 17(03), 480–499. DOI:
Kalusopa, V.M., Katowa-Mukwato, P., Chitundu, K., Mvula, M., Nzala, S., Kabinga-Makukula, M., Mwiinga, C., Mwila, E.M., Kampata, L., Mumba, M.K., Chiguntap, M., Sichone, J., Kwaleyela, C., Phiri, P., Mutemwa, S., Zulu, M., Mwaba-Siwale, C., Wahila, R., Nawa, M., Wamunyima, M.M., Makondo, F., Syatalimi, C., Kafumukache, E. and Goma, F. (2023) Experiences of Early and Enhanced Clinical Exposure for Postgraduate Neona- tal Nursing Students at the University of Zambia, School of Nursing Sciences: Lessons and Implications for the Future. Open Journal of Nursing, 13, 352-367.
- Munang’andu, S. ., Maimbolwa, M. ., & Mayimbo, S. (2023). Breastfeeding Experiences of Mothers with Babies Admitted to the University Teaching Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Lusaka, Zambia. International Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing Practice, 5(2), 50–62.
- Chipamaunga S, Nyoni CN, Kagawa MN, Wessels Q, Kafumukache E, Gwini R, Kandawasvika G, Katowa-Mukwato P, Masanganise R, Nyamakura R, Nyawata I, Pretorius L, Dithole K, Marimo C, Mubuuke AG, Mbalinda SN, van der Merwe LJ, Prozesky D. Response to the impact of COVID-19 by health professions education institutions in Africa: a case study on preparedness for remote learning and teaching. Smart Learn. Environ. 2023;10(1):31. doi: 10.1186/s40561-023-00249-7 Epub 2023 May 9. PMCID: PMC10169156.
- Ngoma CM, Wahila R, Masumo M, Nankamba NWS, Kanyanta MM (2023). The impact of online interprofessional education training for HIV on healthcare professionals and students in Zambia.Int. Res. J. Public Environ. Health.10 (2):45-51. DOI:
- Muchima, P. , Ngoma, C. and Shitima, N. (2023) Nutrition Uptake among Pregnant Women: A Case of Solwezi District, North Western Province. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 13, 960-982. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2023.135082.
- Ngoma, C. M., Wahila, R., Makoleka, M. M., Nankamba, N. W. S., & Kanyanta, M. M. (2023). The impact of inter-professional education for HIV course in the preservice health care professionals using the jigsaw technique. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 15(2), 114-119.
- Mbozi Patience, Katowa Mukwato Patricia, Mwiinga Kalusopa Victoria, Simoonga Christopher (2023) Experiences and coping strategies of women caring for their husbands with cancer at the Cancer Diseases Hospital in Lusaka, Zambia: a descriptive phenomenological approach ecancer 17 1572.
- Bernard Nkandu , Dorothy Chanda , Mr Michael Kanyanta "Nurses` Adherence to Multi-Dose Vial policy (MDVP) in Lufwanyama District, Zambia.", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.8, Issue 3, page no.377 - 387, March-2023, Available : (IP-8.15). (Missed in 1st quarter 2023 report).
- Liseli MM, Dorothy CO, Victoria K. Lived experiences of first-time mothers with exclusive breastfeeding in Kafue, Zambia. Nurse Care Open Acces J. 2023;9(2):71-90. DOI: 10.15406/ncoaj.2023.09.00264
Major Achievements
- Opening of the Kitwe Satellite Campus
- Introduction of demand driven programmes with an international appeal
- Revision and update of all existing programmes in line with the Higher Education Requirements.
The School of Nursing Science has a collaboration with the following Universities:

1. Mulungushi University
- Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Columbia University-School of Nursing
- Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST)-
- Kwazulu Natal, and Norwegian University of Science and Technology under the NORHED II Project
- Orebro University, Sweden
- Oslo University College, Norway
- Turku University of Applied Sciences
- Kamuzu University of Health Sciences-Malawi
- Hiroshima University-Japan
- Pulse International